While on the journey to the mountain top of dreams and desires in life!

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While on the journey to the mountain top in life, when we encounter the rain, what we think, what we feel and how we act in response to sudden torrential rain become essential and critical in ensuring overall quality and success of life over a period. At times, we start blaming the situations for all our setbacks in life; at times we start attaching negative meanings to various objects, people and factors which directly or indirectly appears to be a hindrance to us while on the way toward our dream life. But, the real fact is that the negativity generated in this emotional turmoil while on the journey to the dream life is much bigger hindrance than the odd situations and unfavourable conditions itself. The monkey mind coupled with the emotional heart and comfort-loving body cursing the odd situation eats all the energy which we can channelize for getting clarity in a difficult time; how to move ahead with alternate ways and means. But, to make sure it happens in real life, we need to take a pause first irrespective of what has happened while on the journey and divert the energy to Recognize the actual facts, what is in control and what is not in our control!. Accept the reality and Investigate for what else we can do in the prevailing situation to move ahead towards the dream life destination.

The ability to pause in odd situations, recognize and accept the harsh conditions and investigate them to find a way out will follow automatically if we stop identifying ourselves with the body, mind and heart. We are not our body; we are not our mind, and we are not our heart.  But, we are a formless Non-identity called Being who can effortlessly pause in odd situations, recognize, accept, investigate without being identified as body, mind, and heart! – A true traveler while RAINing.

The right path to joy & success in life lies in our ability to identify ourselves with the true Being. Although, it appears difficult to visualize and practice the RAIN  while it is raining in real life; however it is not impossible if we allow our true Being within to drive ourselves in day to day life.

When we came into this world as a child, there were specific instinctive desires and needs which were necessary to fulfill for survival. These inbuilt nature of wants and needs exist in every one of us in our psyche irrespective of age, sex, language, and religion, which represent our first version say First Me corresponding to Freud’s ID in the theory of personality development. Over a period, as we grow, we learn from the surroundings and form a world view depending upon the values and culture we inherit from the family, community, and society. And this learned version say  Second Me corresponding to Freud’s Super Ego, which strives to achieve the ideal you within. But the reality is much more different than these two versions of MEsThe first Me & Second Me. It takes a lot of tug of war between these two MEs while deciding what to do in day-to-day life? And, therefore, we all are at a crossroad at every time and in every situation! And, it is “We” who drive in our day to day life. We are in the driving seat! To lead a happy life, do not forget the real duty, being a real ‘You’  sitting in the middle of The first Me & Second Me to strike a balance while it is RAINing in day to day life!

But, how to do it in real life irrespective of who you are or what you do in life  check out my upcoming book, “Being in the driving seat-What makes the ordinary extraordinary- A 7 Steps ESCAPE Velocity model to design the life you love to live!”

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